We think of Earth’s atmosphere as the remotely detectable sum product of all the controlling factors on and within Earth that at any given time combine to sustain life. Those evolving compositions also capture evidence of great challenges to life—as during global-scale glaciations, major impact events, or severe nutrient limitation—and of life-sustaining tectonic processes. The primary objectives of our four Alternative Earths projects define a template for a broadly relevant and novel view of evolving redox and life on Earth, with the net expectation of resolving emergent atmospheric compositions that would bear the collective signature of the coupled tectonic and biogeochemical processes that produced them. To this end, our research strategy is carried out within four working groups, each broadly integrated in the range of expertise represented—with each informing, and being informed by, the others’ efforts.
Quite simply, we have been aiming since the inception of our proposal for an unusually, if not uniquely, unified effort that would not be possible outside the team structure of the NAI. Indeed, the whole already seems much greater than the sum of the parts. Our work on biotic versus abiotic cycling of N2O illustrates our team’s reliance on interdisciplinarity. In the lab, we are constraining the kinetics of N2O production in reducing abiotic systems, and then we leverage these experimental data in the context of atmospheric modeling—bringing together expertise at GT, UCR, and NASA's Virtual Planetary Laboratory. The results of this work are already yielding important constraints on evolving climate system stability and the emergence and maintenance of remotely detectable atmospheric biosignatures during early periods of Earth's history (see Project Report for Alternative Earth 2).
Our ongoing work on zinc (Zn) isotopes is another example of a truly interdisciplinary project that is only possible within a large collaborative network like our Alternative Earths Working Groups. Specifically, we are using Zn isotopes to track the rise of eukaryotes to ecological dominance and, at the same time, bridging those data with novel proteomics and quantitative modeling. In doing so, we have generated a new Zn isotope record that demonstrates that eukaryotes—although evolving before 1700 million years ago—only become important primary producers around 800 million years ago. These data provide a new view of cause-and-effect relationship between the diversification of complex life and evolution of Earth’s atmospheric composition (see Project Report for Alternative Earth 3).
Our Alternative Earths Team aims for a unified effort that would not be possible outside the structure of the NAI. Through collaboration among team members at GT, OHSU, Yale, and UCR, for example, we are studying the biogeochemistry of enzymatic manganese oxide formation and fractionation of stable isotopes under varying environmental conditions. Indeed, we brought together Yuanzhi Tang (GT) and Brad Tebo (OHSU) for this specific purpose. They had never met or collaborated before our Alternative Earths Team Kick-Off Meeting in April 2015 but have hit the ground sprinting since, including student exchanges and pursuit of independent funding for related projects (see Project Report for Alternative Earth 3).
Our team is also capitalizing on obvious synergism with the Origins of Complexity Team and the Virtual Planetary Laboratory (VPL). We have forged direct funded links to Origins of Complexity team member Greg Fournier (MIT) and to VPL team member Eddie Schwieterman through their 2015 NAI Director’s Discretionary Funding projects. Schwieterman’s plan is to couple our growing, comprehensive library of proxy-constrained estimates of ocean-atmosphere chemistry from the Proterozoic with the photochemistry/climate and radiative transfer models of the VPL. The ultimate goals are the integrated tools necessary to extend these diverse biogeochemical states toward a more complete understanding of a universe of possible exobiospheres. Fournier will study the rates and patterns of the acquisition and loss of genes coding for oxygen-associated enzymes in diverse microbial groups against a backdrop of changing biospheric oxygen as constrained by our team. The resulting insights into oxygenation dynamics during the Proterozoic should feed directly into our atmospheric modeling.
Collaboration between the Alternative Earths and Origins of Complexity NAI teams is bolstered by having members of both groups in the same department (Geology and Geophysics) at Yale. We have taken advantage of this opportunity by initiating several research efforts focused mainly on determining complex life’s role in shaping biogeochemical cycles and atmospheric evolution. (Indeed, we added a fourth Alternative Earth to our research repertoire based on our recent efforts and related ties to the Origins of Complexity (MIT) Team; our original proposal included only three Alternative Earths.) The productivity of this inter-team collaboration is already clear. Featuring authors from both teams, we recently published a paper in Nature Geoscience addressing how animals shaped the global sulfur and oxygen cycles—as well as an extensive review paper center on the interval leading up to the Snowball Earth glacial events. Furthermore, representatives from each team co-authored an article strengthening the case for early animal (sponge) biomarkers (see Project Report for Alternative Earth 4). In sum, we fully embrace the idea of inter-NAI team collaboration. We look forward to strengthening these ties as we move into Year 2 and beyond.